Numerical Optimization Chapter 3

Numerical Optimization Chapter 3

Line Search Methods

As previously stated the calculation of the next step is mathematically written as:

$$x_{k+1} = x_k + \alpha_k p_k$$

where $\alpha_k$ is a positive scalar called the "step length" and $p_K$ is search direction.

Most line search algorithms require $p_K$ to be a descent direction such that $p_k^T \nabla f_k < 0$ because this guarentees some reduction of the objective function.

Step length

$\alpha_k$ represents a positive scalar that dictates how far in the direction of the descent to go.

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when deciding on the best step length we attempt to find it based on the "Wolfe Condition(s)"

Sufficient Decrease: We decrease the objective function

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Curvature Condition: The rate of decrease is higher

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Strong Wolfe Condition: Force $\alpha_k$ to lie in a broad neighborhood of local minimizer or stationary point

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All wolfe conditions:

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Proof: there is a value of alpha for a convex objective function that allows the exact minimizer using the gradient descent method:

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Search Direction

Commonly the search direction is defines as $$p_k = -B_K^{-1} \nabla f_k$$ where $B_k$ is either the hessian, or an approximation of the hessian. For simple search directions (like the gradient descent) we represent the Hessian as the identity matrix.

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